Our Long Journey From Seed To Denim
This was taken in 2014 just before we drove our four bales of cotton to North Carolina.
This business venture of ours was gonna be simple…or so we thought. Drive a few bales of cotton to North Carolina, have them spin it into yarn then fabric, have them ship it back to us and we’d have some really incredible denim western shirts made. Well, fast forward four years to the present, and this idea of ours took lots of turns, shifted gears, fixed a couple of flat tires, wrecked, repaired the front bumper and grill, kept trucking, engine caught fire, put it out, overhauled the engine, and at long last we’re out of the garage and on the open highway of small business enterprise.
America, here we are in all our denim glory. Allred Farms has survived a lot over the past half decade, but with determination and creativity, we’ve created a truly wonderful and unique business from our family farm. We feel like we just gave birth to a baby. We’re exhausted but elated. So happy this idea has come into fruition. And to keep the whole ‘car metaphor’ going, we feel like there is nothing else like us on these highways.
Jennie has exceeded my expectations of what this business could be from the beginning. There are literally hundreds of different things you can make from a bale of cotton. Each idea, each product is so beautiful, so special that I can’t believe all of this came from our land, our farm. From tiny seeds I once held in my own calloused hands, we now have living, breathing denim smiling at us in many forms.
Our extremely talented seamstresses continue to make fantastic garments, pillows, quilts, bags, purses and many other home goods. Jennie, Megan, and the Annas have really outdone themselves. Check out our brand new online store.
As a farmer, I’ve always dreamed of making things from our own cotton. Now, that dream has become a reality. I take great pride knowing the seeds I planted, the plants I cultivated and harvested are now a part of something so beautiful, so special. Sometimes hard work just feels like hard work and nothing more. Sometimes, if you’re fortunate enough, you may both see and feel the rewards of your labor. This is one of those fortunate times.
We’re so glad you’ve stuck with us on this journey over the years. For those of you just joining us, stick around. There is much more to come.